J+ Video Masterclasses

Errol Lewis

TV News and Local Politics

Errol Louis, the host of NY1’s “Inside City Hall,” teaches covering local politics with a particular emphasis on TV news, live interviews, debate moderation and commentary.

Terry Parris, Jr.

Crowdsourcing and Community

Terry Parris Jr., former head of audience engagement at ProPublica, will talk about his career, how he does his job and his general philosophy. Special guest: Adriana Gallardo.

David Fahrenthold

Investigative Journalism in the Open

David Fahrenthold of the Washington Post shares investigative journalism techniques, career advice and inspiration.

Jennifer Brandel

People-Powered Journalism

Jennifer Brandel of Curious City and Hearken shares techniques, career advice and inspiration for public-powered journalism.

City Bureau

COMING SOON: City Bureau

City Bureau is a nonprofit civic journalism lab based on the South Side of Chicago.

Kayle Hope

Video Storytelling for the Web

Learn the fundamentals of online video shooting and editing and tell stories that people want to watch!